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Massachusetts Housing Partnership

Affordable homes, better lives

How MHP Works

Community Assistance

We support communities, housing authorities and nonprofits during the early stages of affordable housing development.

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Rental Financing

We use private sources of capital to provide long-term, fixed-rate financing for multifamily housing.

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ONE Mortgage

We partner with lenders all over Massachusetts to offer the state’s most affordable program for first-time buyers.

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MHP staffers chosen for Greater Boston Chamber leadership training

Boston --- MHP staff members Vanessa Okonkwo and Annaly Monteiro-Serena have been accepted into the Greater Boston Chamber of Commerce 2024 Boston Future Leaders Program. Okonkwo is counsel on MHP’s legal team and Monteiro-Serena is senior programs coordinator on the homeownership team.

What's New at MHP

HOUSING STABILITY MONITOR: Massachusetts Evictions & Foreclosures

Housing Stability Monitor Cover

The Housing Stability Monitor is an ongoing research series that provides quarterly updates on eviction and foreclosure trends in Massachusetts. This is the third edition of the series and features interactive eviction and foreclosure data through February 2024. Data show a concerning increase in eviction filings and executions across the state; while foreclosure trends remain below pre-pandemic levels, the recent closing of the Homeowner Assistance Fund (HAF) is expected to result in increased foreclosures.

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